Writing-Public Speaking

The biggest goal for the Writing-Public Speaking Camps is to foster the love of writing. To attain this goal, high interest topics are used and interactive activities are adopted to create a fun-filled learning environment. While learning basic academic skills is a very important goal, students are encouraged to use their imaginations and think out of the box.
Through practices and production of their writing projects, students build confidence and experience high level senses of achievement, which are the keys for the love of writing. Basic public speaking skills are included as part of the curriculum. The Writing-Speaking camps are designed for students entering G2-4.  The summer camps operate from June 16 to August 15, and each week covers a different theme. All Writing-Speech Camps are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Extended care with structured indoor and outdoor activities is available to cover before-camp and after-camp hours, respectively.  For details, please refer to the Daily Schedule.

G2-4 Camps

Engaging Story and Creative Prop (7/13-7/17)

Participants will learn about the story components, such as the plot, character, setting, and conflict.  Applying what they have learned, they will create an interesting story and tell it in front of an audience.  Through discussion and practice, they will hone their skills to engage the audience by using various tones of voice, expression, body language, as well as prop making.  It’s all about becoming a creative writer, an engaging storyteller, and a skillful prop maker!

Speech Writing & Public Speaking (7/20-7/24)

Introduces students to the tips of effective public speaking.  Students will choose a topic and become his/her own speech writer.  Lessons and activities are designed to train children to become observant, build confidence for speaking in public, and apply the basic speaking skills through practice.

Expository Writing and Media Presentation (8/3-8/7)

Researching a topic of their choice, students will learn essential research skills, such as, note taking, using graphic organizers, and producing summaries.  Based on their research, they will then create a slide project and give a 2-min oral presentation.

Persuade through a Commercial (8/10-8/14)

This is a course integrating writing and public speaking skills.  Through creation of a commercial, students will learn relevant persuasive writing skills, such as exercising word choice, analyzing audience, and presenting supportive reasons.  After completing their writing, students will be guided to deliver the commercial.  Through the delivery, students will learn how to control voice tones, use body language, and build confidence against stage flight.