Work habit is as important as the knowledge in finishing homework efficiently and reaping its benefits. At Legend, after school homework tutoring has never been passive. We have installed a self-directed homework system to help students with their homework. Our tutors do not just wait for their students to ask questions. They act more like teachers who has a teaching plan for their students. Each teaching plan is customized to incorporate a student’s homework and supplemental learning progression, grade improvement plan, and other paced activities and assessments. Armed with the plan, our teachers provide an environment to help students develop good working habits through enabling self-directed behavior. Students have to fill out a homework tracking sheet and put in an Expected Time of Finishing (ETF) on each piece of homework assignment. Besides tracking the completion, Legend teachers will also check the quality and correctness of each finished assignment. Students will then be asked to put away each checked assignment before proceeding to other activities. Under the system, each student is held accountable to finishing his/her assignments.